Building Better Teams

What we do

Muvaki helps organizations build the foundations that enable engineers to focus on their core competencies. We help facilitate the streamlining and automation of all development and data pipelines through the adoption of cloud native technologies.


We work directly with your engineers and architects to ensure that the right tools are being leveraged for your cloud initiative.


With collaboration, our team deploys the core foundations to support your application needs


We tailor build pipelines that establish a consistent and automated way to build, package, and test applications.


We work with DevSecOps mantra of “everyone is responsible for security”. We help setup the right tools to ensure that security gates are automated and don’t slow down workflows.


Our certified engineers provide support that ensure your applications are secured and running 24/7.


Our team also specializes in bringing enterprise level security for data analytics, while being able to take advantage of cloud native solutions.

we ensure

Tokenization: Feel at ease knowing your data is being stored on the cloud Tokenized. We build tools that allow tokenization and de-tokenization of data, ensuring the upmost security while working with high risk or PII data.

Cloud Native EDL: We help map and ease the transition of building cloud native Enterprise Data Lake. From security at all levels to ingestion and processing pipelines, we help ease the transition of adopting cloud native Enterprise data lake.

Get in touch with us today